24 March 2011

I Like For You To Be Still

Please remind me to share the Neruda poem with you if you do not know it. It is so beautiful.

Girl Walk // All Day


Last summer, my good friend Sam and his lovely girlfriend Vikki came for a visit. While here, they introduced me to their delightful friends, Jacob and Youngna. Sam recently shared this video that they made, and I love it. I have dreams like this, where I am dancing and dancing all around, not caring at everyone staring. I don't want dreams like this to stop, so I am happy the video is so long.

You can read more about their epic project here.

23 March 2011

18 March 2011

Sending You Warm Thoughts

It is so warm here, but I know you will keep me warm when I come home.

04 March 2011

Puerto Rico

I'm heading to Puerto Rico today to see my father. That, and to thaw out. I'm excited, but I am not looking forward to 2 weeks without my love.